Thursday, October 4, 2007

A BUZZ of Inspiration

Last night we had a smaller group than usual. The Not Soap Radio Sisters hosted a fine meal of Southern comfort food. We ate mac n'cheese, toasted red wine out of leaky glasses and giggled a lot.

We also shared some awesome chick chat about serious business matters like, how they heck do I get a celebrity endoursement for my business?? Carolyn Kamii with her PR know-how gave us some awesome insights. Along with the Not Soap Radio Divas who BTW are in 1000 stores nation-wide. They make bath and body products that rock! Yes, I'm drooling. As the budding owner of a hair care brand, these ladies truly give me hope that if they can do it, so can we all!

I know we'll one day call these the Good Ol' Days but having real conversations with women that are doing it is, OH SO satisfying.

And the fab Laura Klein (her company is mentioned a must-have book, Rules for Renegades. (See right side for full details) She made it sound so inspiring that I'm taking a stroll down to Barnes and Noble today. Something about serial female entrepreneur that reached the height of her success in a few short years. I may have that a little off as the wine and buzz of conversation may have left a little haze on my memory.

Well ladies, I am alive today and inspired today knowing that you're all out there making magic with your work. Thank you for being a constant inspiration.

Next month, Kendall Morgan of and incredibly talented film producer hosts at her designer pad. We'll keep you posted on dates.


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